Two Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher posts in the project Post-Digital Computing + (POSTDIGITAL Plus)
Applications are invited by Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies (AIPT) for two prestigious three-year postgraduate positions (leading to a PhD) as Doctoral Candidates (DC) within the European Doctoral Network project Post-Digital Computing + (POSTDIGITAL Plus). The project is funded by Horizon Europe Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), with the UK candidate supported by the EPSRC. As the successful candidate will receive a generous monthly salary, membership in a high-quality pension scheme, full social security benefits and a fee bursary to fully cover the PhD tuition fees. Successful candidates with family will be entitled to an enhanced salary. Notably, several months of the study and research period will be spent in the industrial sector with either Hewlett Packard Enterprise (Belgium) or Thales (France).
POSTDIGITAL Plus is looking for candidates with exceptional skills and grades in engineering or physics and/or computer science and/or signal processing, with the strong and proven knowledge of machine learning and/or some expertise in the areas related to optics / photonics, communications or electrical engineering. Preferred skill requirements include experience in scientific programming and computing, signal processing, communications and information theory, statistical analysis, optical communication systems. Knowledge of mathematical methods, linear algebra, mathematical physics, and numerical analysis are an asset. The candidate will have a strong drive to carry out the cutting edge research for a doctoral degree.
When submitting your application, please specify which project you are applying to:
1) Bayesian and other advanced approaches for the development of photonic neural networks.
2) New architectures of optical reservoir computing and extreme learning machine.
MSCA requirements. Researchers are NOT eligible if they already have a PhD or have successfully defended their doctoral thesis. Candidates MUST NOT have resided or carried out their main activity (e.g. work, studies) for more than 12 months within the last three years in the UK (by the employment start date). Candidates can be of any nationality but may need security clearance (ATAS certification) prior to commencing their position.
For informal enquiries about this project and other opportunities within the AIPT, contact. Prof. Sergei Turitsyn by email:
The salary being offered for this role is below the minimum threshold for required to sponsor new applicants to the Skilled Worker route. However, Aston University may be able to sponsor the successful candidate if they:
• Are under 26 years old
• Hold a PhD that is relevant to the role
• Have held a Student or Graduate visa in the last 2 years
• Are already in the UK with a Tier 2 or Skilled Worker visa issued before 4th April 2024
Please contact if you would like to discuss your eligibility for Skilled Worker sponsorship.
Closing Date: 28 Mar 2025
Unit: Teaching & Research
Salary: £42,100 to £46,000 per annum